Duet Review – Malum (Elite Kings #4 and #5)

Malum Duet (Elite Kings #4 and #5) – Amo Jones ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  

Going into this duet, straight after finishing books 1-3 in the Elite Kings, I didn’t think any couple from this world could top Madison and Bishop, but I was so wrong. This was completely new ground for me, having not read Malum when I originally read the series, but these books have shown me that Nate and Tillie were made for each other, and this incredibly dark, twisted, and heart-breaking duet has only solidified them as my favourite couple, because they are each other’s equals.

Malum: Part One (The Elite King’s Club #4) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  

Nate and Tillie have always intrigued me with the push and pull between them, but their story was one I was not expecting. It’s so hard to write a review for these books because the plots are so detailed and complex, that you don’t want to give anything important away or ruin anything. Malum is not your standard romance and will leave you eager to find out the conclusion to Nate and Tillie’s story straight away.

Malum Part One starts right where Tacet A Mortuis ends, but from the points of view of Tillie and Nate. Tillie has kept huge secrets from Nate, including her knowledge of the Elite King’s world. Nate is angry and hate Tillie for how she didn’t come to him when she needed help, and she tries to make him see she had no choice. He keeps her around because of her involvement in their world, but also because they are now connected through something more important. But this is by no means a happy ending for the two of them, there’s way more at play than Tillie knows, and everything she thought she knew, is about to come crumbling down around her.

Tillie and Nate’s story was a heart-breaking toxic roller-coaster, with twisted games, dark and dirty moments, but also a shared love of something so pure. The emotions were so real, the ups and downs of Nate’s alpha a-hole attitude and Tillie’s strength to try and not be affected by all of his action to try and hurt her. I felt their pain, their heartache and despair, Amo wrote both of their heartbreak so well and realistically.

Going into Malum, I thought I knew Nate. His jokey cocky side which was always down for a good time and some flirting. But I was so wrong, it was all a mask, hiding the true darkness underneath, something only a King could possess. But you do see his softer side in this book too, one I also didn’t expect underneath the playboy persona. But his hot and cold demeanour towards Tillie had me loving him at some points, and hating him at others, as he battled with his feelings towards her after she re-enters his life with a surprise. I couldn’t believe he wouldn’t see how Tillie couldn’t control what had happened and would’ve come to him if she had the option. But I could also see it from his point of view too, his heartache at having something so monumental kept secret.

Tillie was another heroine who continued to fight for the answers on her own, but in a different way to Madison, because she rarely asked questions first, but the main difference between them was when it came to their fight or flight, where Madison would run if she couldn’t handle something, whereas Tillie would fight back like her life depended on it. The Kings either told her right away, or let her figure it out on her own, and every single one of her actions was for the one she loved. She balanced Nate out perfectly, because she didn’t stand for his sh*t, she was his perfect match. She understands when to push and when to pull, when to accept his ways and when to argue back. She was his queen in every sense of the word, and nothing could convince me more of her strength than what she went through in this book.

I was not so surprised by the path Madison and Bishop’s relationship took in the background of this book, their ways of keeping things from each other seems to have continued, and their own journey to a non-complicated relationship seems like a long way off again. I know that we are getting the rest of their story in Ruined Castles, and I like how Amo has pushed their story to the background, but still kept it hinted enough to keep you hooked on whatever is going on between them.

After the end of Tacet A Mortuis, the hate Nate felt towards Tillie for the secrets she kept was so strong, but I always had faith that his love for her would win out. But after the events that unfolded in Malum: Part One, by the end, I wasn’t as convinced that their love would overcome anything. Throughout, my heart was racing, I had tears running down my cheeks and my eyes were hooked to the pages of my kindle desperate to see what happened next, and I have every belief that Amo will turn it around in Part Two!

Malum: Part Two (The Elite King’s Club #5) ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  

The conclusion of Nate and Tillie’s duet was one that gave me so many feelings; anger, shock, intrigue steam but also a desperate need for revenge and to find out the truth as to who was behind one of the most heart-breaking storylines I’ve read by Amo to date. The Malum duet is not your standard romance, it’s incredibly dark, twisted, and will break you, but will leave you satisfied once you’ve pieced those broken parts back together. It’s left me with a major book hangover, but I am so happy I can dive into Brantley’s right away.

Malum Part Two starts right where Part One ends, with Tillie believing she’s uncovered one of the biggest secrets that the Kings have kept from everyone yet. She clings to this lifeline, helping her through her grief and heartbreak, but also as a connection to her old self. Nate is dealing with his emotions over the events of book one in his own way, but he too is fighting to find out the truth. Will Nate and Tillie be able to find their way back to each other, and ultimately have a happy ending, or have they been through too much?

Tillie’s power and strength in this book only grew, as she continued to find the truth by any means necessary. She was fierce, an equal to the Kings in every single way, and whilst she stood with them, she went against them when she needed to too. I adored her character, I think slightly more than Madison, because of how she handled such tough situations, she fought back and no matter how much she got hurt, she still stood strong. I loved how she began to accept her role in the Kings world, she was their missing piece which made them seem more familial, and almost like normal boys, with a ruthless side. Her loyalty to Madison was so beautiful, she listened when Madison needed her, kept her secrets until she knew that the right thing to do was to tell the Kings, I knew I was right by saying that those two were going to be each other’s rocks. Tillie has this way of being able to forgive someone she loves once she gets the full picture, she doesn’t hold grudges unless they threaten her relationships, she’s a true Queen in my eyes.

Nate had so many sides, the ruthless and reckless Malum side full of darkness, the playboy jokester who could flirt with any girl, but always kept them at arm’s length and then in part one we saw his softer, caring side. But being inside Nate’s head in this book helped make a lot of things make more sense, as you realise pretty much everything he has done is to either protect Tillie or because of his love for her. He hates her in a different way in this book, not for keeping secrets but because of what she represents. You see him attempt to handle his grief in the only way how, by lashing out and pushing her away, but that’s because he doesn’t know how to deal with his feelings. He knows Tillie is the only girl for him, that his twisted heart belongs to her, even if he doesn’t want it to. He fought for her, with her and against her, with the Kings at his back, even when at times he wanted to fight them too. He is by far my favourite King.

This book gave closure to some horrifyingly traumatic plotlines, giving the truth that not only Nate and Tillie needed but I did too. Amo has this way of interweaving and layering so many plots into one story, but never making you feel overwhelmed by information, as long as you’re paying attention. In this book she introduces the new generations of Kings, hints at what’s going on with Madison and Bishop, gives clues as to what Brantley is hiding in his creepy mansion, the continuation of questioning what’s going on behind the scenes, all while showing the difficult journey that Nate and Tillie travel to come back to each other after their loss. Amo’s writing gets better with each book, and her storytelling of dark and suspense filled romance is one which I have found hard to find a match.

Madison’s experience was horrific and traumatic, it broke me, and I was sobbing when she spoke with Tillie. I couldn’t believe no one went after her to find out the truth. I wasn’t overall surprised by her running, because that’s Madison as we know and love her, and I know the Kings had a lot going on in this duet, but one of them could’ve at least chased her. Bishop annoyed me in this duet, because I couldn’t believe that the Bishop we had got to know in books 1-3 would’ve handled the situation as he did when he found out the truth, or have pushed her even the slightest when he saw her changing in front of his eyes. I am desperate for their reunion, I need to know how they will recover from this, and I am hoping Sancte Diaboli will hold some answers.

Overall thoughts

This series is like one I have never read before, because it is unique and dark, full of truly horrifying scenes and plots which will leave you questioning humanity itself. But the Kings somehow worm their way into your heart, proving that everyone can love in their own individual way, and that family certainly doesn’t have to be defined by blood. Amo’s stories are so innovative, imaginative, and individual, that I can never be prepared for what she has to come next.

The Elite King’s Club series are all LIVE, and FREE to read on Kindle Unlimited!

Check out the blurbs of each book and the buy links below!

Malum: Part One (The Elite King’s Club #4)


“Love is savage, love is blind, love is something they may not find…”
Once upon a time, there was a young girl who lived in a battered trailer, a girl from the wrong side of the tracks.
One day, she fell down The Elite Kings’ rabbit hole. Sucked into a dark vortex of lies, hate, and deceit, and spat out by money, glitz, and power.
There were things this little girl didn’t know, things she was about to find out and secrets that have been kept from her. Those secrets were guarded by the boys that were about to smash her world open and tear it all apart…
He may be a Malum, but she is a Stuprum, born into this world but neglected by the choice of her mother. Her eyes may not glisten with stars, but they roar with fire, and when she finally reaches her peak, it’s that same fire that will burn.
My name is Tillie Stuprum, and my story is not like the rest.
Everything she thought she knew is a fabricated version of the truth. I’m Nate Riverside-Malum, the one your girl whispers about to her friends and whose initials are scratched down your back. Her story is not like the rest of them, because her story is dead.

Malum: Part Two (The Elite King’s Club #5)


Some girls don’t like pretty things.
Some girls like things that are destructive, and toxic. Things that fuel our bodies with adrenaline and bring our demons to their knees.
They say magic isn’t real, but it’s it the closest way to describe love? It doesn’t exist physically. It merely exists around us, within us, possessing our souls and making us do stupid shit. Shit like falling in love with a boy who knows how to rip my world apart and raise hell with a simple flick of his wrist. Their secrets are now mine. I’m not just in the middle of this game, I’m helping orchestrate it. Can the cries of my aching soul be enough to drown out the burning embers of my mistakes?
The mind strengthens the heart, roughing the edges to prepare it for war. This is a war I will not win.
This is a war of fate.
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𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒’𝑠 𝑎 𝑛𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟…


The Silver Swan (The Elite King’s Club #1)


Riddle me this…
“I am neither dead, nor alive, and I’m not something little Madison can hide.
But you will be dead, by the time this is done…
the timer starts now, and the games have just begun…”

Madison Montgomery comes from money and power, but when someone close to her commits the ultimate crime, Madison must live with her tainted name for the rest of her life. When she begins Riverside Preparatory Academy, the private school her father has swept her into in The Hamptons, she hopes for a fresh start. What she wasn’t hoping for was the pack of bad boys who run the school; ten, to be exact. When Madison gains the attention of their leader, Bishop Vincent Hayes, a whole new world that she didn’t think existed is exposed to her. A whole world that starts and ends with The Elite Kings Club and these boys, are about to flip her world upside down. Secrets are overflowing and family lies are about to be exposed. Is there more to Madison Montgomery than even she knows?


Even better, the first five books in the Elite King’s Club series all in one place!!

Available FREE in Kindleunlimited!

Amazon US >> https://amzn.to/30olFI6

Amazon AU >> https://amzn.to/34cEsar

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Amazon UK >> https://amzn.to/3ikdxP7

This box set contains all published Elite Kings Books:

Book 1: The Silver Swan (Madison & Bishop)

Book 2: The Broken Puppet (Madison & Bishop

Book 3: Tacet a Mortuis (Madison & Bishop)

Book 4: Malum 1 (Tillie & Nate)

Book 5: Malum 2 (Tillie and Nate)

GET READY BECAUSE Book 6: Sancte Diaboli Part One (Brantley’s book) is coming February 9th 2021


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Nook: https://bit.ly/35cnlaw

Kobo: https://bit.ly/3nkZ9Jx

Amazon US: https://amzn.to/3peE2KA

Amazon AU: https://amzn.to/3lf5u8z

Amazon UK: https://amzn.to/3eJIM63

ADD TO YOUR TBR: https://bit.ly/3iSf53S


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