Book Review – Callous Prince

Callous Prince – Becker Gray

Callous Prince is the second book in a brand-new steamy series by Becker Gray. It’s an enemies to more, bully romance, and which continues the stories of the members of the Hellfire Club, a group of elite friends who are the kings of their school Pembroke Preparatory Academy, and the women who bring them to their knees.

Lennox Lincoln-Ward has hated Sloane Lauder since the minute he set eyes on her and discovered her last name. He blamed her father for so much hurt in his past, and knew that the perfect way to enact revenge was to put it all on Sloane. Sloane is the resident school sleuth, helping students out of sticky situations with her ability to sneak in and of places and acquire information. So, when her father asks her to investigate her bully, she doesn’t hesitate. But in the process of finding out more about Lennox, their relationship changes, from lust to love, and she begins to see a completely different side to the one she though she knew, what should she do about her betrayal?

Once again, Becker Gray has written a great enemies-to-lovers romance. Their hatred for each other was so ingrained, but there was this undeniable chemistry between them. Real life cold and cruel Prince Lennox was so conflicted by his emotions, because he believed he should hate Sloane for how her family had a hand in his own family’s demise, but he couldn’t help the other feelings he has for her, where he wants to be around her at all times, so he masked it with bullying. But Sloane gave as good as she gets, because she has had it trained into her since she was young but also because she can’t understand where Lennox’s hatred for her comes from. I loved her character though, how she had this desire to be accepted by her father, but also how she was fearless to fighting for the truth and doing the right thing.

I didn’t like this plot as much as I did the first book, and there were some lines in the intimate scenes which made me shudder because I didn’t like some of the language used (I am no prude, but telling someone you are owed their virginity is a no from me. You aren’t owed anything I don’t want to give you). But other than that, it was still enjoyable with enough drama and steam to keep you invested in Lennox and Sloane’s story. Once again, I was happy that there was no OW/OM which has been massively overdone, and Becker had included enough conflict between them that you did wonder how they would reunite (even if it did all seem to be resolved fairly easily in the end).

The secondary characters were even further developed, leaving me ready for the stories that will tell me more about the darkness of Rhys, the moodiness of Owen and the feistiness of Sera, and finally what is going on with Phineas and Aurora! This group of characters have their secrets and I am so ready to read more of this series to find them out.

Thank you so much to Becker Gray and Candi Kane PR for the advanced copy of Callous Prince, I can’t wait for whatever’s next! Click the cover below to buy on Amazon.

CALLOUS PRINCE by Becker Gray is LIVE!


He’s arrogant.



From the moment we exchanged our first glance, Lennox Lincoln-Ward has been out to destroy me. So I keep my head down at Pembroke Prep, and I stay out of the Hellfire Club’s way. Even so, Lennox finds me, seeks me out until he pins me in his beautiful, withering gaze—the same gaze that sends a chill down my spine and an undeniable tingle to other places.

Lennox is royalty with a dark past. One that I intend to investigate. I’ll find his secrets and expose every lie that rolls off his tongue. But getting close to Lennox has particular dangers—including his mouth, his golden eyes, and the brutally soft touch of his fingers.

I intend to unravel him, but in the end, I may be the one who comes apart, broken in the hands of a callous prince.


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About the Author:

Becker Gray is the brainchild of two best friends who love rich boys in peacoats. The Hellfire Club is their first series together.

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