Book Review – A Wonderful Lie

A Wonderful Lie – Carrie Aarons

A Wonderful Lie by Carrie Aarons is one of my favourites of 2022. Carrie is, and always will be, one of my unicorn authors, and I love how innovative and different her plots are, and A Wonderful Lie didn’t disappoint.

Lark and Colin are podcasters, who have known each other since college, and now work together for the same podcasting company. They are rivals, both with podcasts in relationship and romantic advice, constantly in competition for the top spot in the charts, and when a prime release day spot opened, they are in even more competition. Lark is known as cold hearted, a bachelorette who never lets anyone close, but is loved by her listeners for her stories and interviews on her podcasts. Colin is a ladies’ man, always opening up about his dating experiences on his show, which makes Lark detest him even more, despite the fact she talks about similar things. As the competition hots up, it becomes clear that these two are the main competitors, but as it’s December, the podcasts will need to have a Christmas twist, and it’s the one time of year that Lark hates most. How will the competition affect their working relationship, and will it finally push them to admit the chemistry they have?

Lark was a heroine that took me a little while to warm up to, but after a few chapters I realised how much I could relate to her fears of relationships, which made me instantly love her. She had a hard shell, but once you were let into her inner circle, she loved hard, even if it took a while for her to admit it to herself. She was fiercely competitive, her job was her life, and she didn’t have time for Christmas getting in the way of her dream release spot. I loved seeing her open up more and become more open to the idea of letting Colin in and having an emotional connection with someone rather than just her normal sexual one.

Colin was a charming sweetheart, who had the perfect family, so different from Lark, which meant he loved Christmas and everything about it. He had known of Lark since college, the ice queen who didn’t let anyone close, so had always made his mission to flirt with her and get a rise out of her. When the situation presents itself for them to move their working relationship to a more intimate one, he jumps at the chance, knowing it will only be casual, but when feelings start, and she’s the one keeping him at arm’s length, he’s left reeling. He’s the one who usually sets the boundaries, and he’s unsure what to do with Lark and her iciness. But his goal to melt her exterior, learn more about her as a person, only makes him fall deeper, and he makes it his new mission to convince her she feels the same.

Lark and Colin are both flawed, both terrified of commitment for different reasons, but that made them more relatable and more likable. The reasons they were scared of relationships were common, the fear of actually letting someone in because it could mean you are hurt badly if they leave, or the worry that your life might change before realising that if it’s for the right person you won’t mind. I think Carrie wrote them perfectly, every part of this book was amazing, from the steamy scenes, to seeing them finally opening up about their pasts, to their tear jerking break up (Carrie’s best yet), everything was enjoyable. It made my heart break at some points, but in a good way. Her scenes are always so inventive, and the ending was realistic too, they were a work in progress, doing things on their own timing, not anyone else’s, flawed, but a team.

Click the cover below to buy on Amazon now or read for FREE on Kindle Unlimited.

A Wonderful Lie by Carrie Aarons is now live!

Everyone lies around the holidays. We lie about the money we’re spending. We lie that we’re following our diets.
What am I lying about this year? The fact that my workplace nemesis has become my friend-with-benefits.
Collin Machlan and I have been each other’s competition since we joined our college’s radio station freshman year. Six years later, we’re both hosting shows for the country’s most popular podcast network.
Just as everything starts turning red and green, our boss announces a promotion, and whoever gets the most listens during this merry season will be crowned the winner.
There is just one catch; the only way to draw an audience in December is to theme every episode around Christmas. For a woman who typically celebrates alone with takeout and slasher flicks, I’m at a big disadvantage.
Going toe-to-toe with the guy I’ve never been able to intimidate is only made harder by the fact that Collin doesn’t seem to want to play our usual games. Add in some mistletoe and a Secret Santa swap, and I finally give in to his shameless flirting.
Maybe it’s the delusion of cuffing season, but suddenly I’m spending every night with him. No one at work knows. Neither does his family, or my friends. I lie that it’s just physical. That me, a self-proclaimed bachelorette, couldn’t possibly be on the brink of a relationship. I lie that we’re still competing for a job he doesn’t even want.
Until one too many lies threatens to topple my life like a crooked tree with poorly-distributed ornaments. And I’m left to decide between my lonely and blue traditions, or a love that lasts all year round.

Download today or read for FREE with Kindle Unlimited!


Meet Carrie Aarons

Author of romance novels such as Fool Me Twice and Love at First Fight, Carrie Aarons writes books that are just as swoon-worthy as they are sarcastic. A former journalist, she prefers the love stories of her imagination, and the athleisure dress code, much better.

When she isn’t writing, Carrie is busy binging reality TV, having a love/hate relationship with cardio, and trying not to burn dinner. She lives in the suburbs of New Jersey with her husband, two children and ninety-pound rescue pup.

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