My Top Reads of 2022

My Top Reads of 2022

Well, here we are again! The end of another year, and whilst I haven’t quite read as many books as I would have liked this year, I still managed a respectable 60! Setting a realistic target next year is my goal for 2023, and but my main goal is to at least try and make a dent in my paperback collection!

I achieved my Goodreads goal of 60 books, and whilst it was hard to narrow it down to my top 12 and would’ve been easier to have broken it down by month, but no I had to be difficult. Instead I just picked 12 that really stayed with me after I finished the last page!

This year, I’ve tried new to me authors such as Bonnie Garmus and Sarah Adams and stuck with some firm favourites of mine, such as Tijan, Carrie Aarons, Piper Rayne and Harlow James who I’ve been reading for a while!

In 2022, I’ve reached milestones such as my three-year blog anniversary and have made kept up with amazing friends, despite taking a break from bookstagram for the last few months due to losing a family member. I can’t wait for 2023 to see what amazing new books will be released and I am so ready to dive into new worlds and back into old ones created by amazing authors!

Top 12 of 2022 in no particular order (top to bottom, left to right):

Aveke – Tijan

Beneath the Wreckage – Catherine Cowles

Lessons In Chemistry – Bonnie Garmus

Last Round – Charity Ferrell

My Unexpected Surprise – Piper Rayne

The Cheat Sheet – Sarah Adams

Sweet Devil – Becker Gray

A Wonderful Lie – Carrie Aarons

The Dealmaker – Jessica Peterson

The Godparent Trap – Rachel Van Dyken

Now’s The Time – Harlow James

The Damaged – Tijan

I have written a short description of each book and why I added it to my list. I would put what star rating I gave them, but you wouldn’t be surprised to know they were all 4 or 5 star reads for me! I have also included a link to my blog post review, if I wrote one for the book, if you would like a more in-depth review from me or need more information on the book.

Aveke – Tijan

Any time I get any opportunity to return to the world of Fallen Crest, I don’t think anyone realises how quickly I drop everything and read the book. It’s my favourite book world, one I would like to live in and the characters the Tijan writes are some of my favourites too, they are real, and flawed, and love fiercely. It’s the story of Zeke and Ava, a story I didn’t know I needed to be told, but now slots in perfectly alongside the others from Fallen Crest and Roussou. I loved how the old characters were brought back and we got to see them further on in their lives (no spoilers but Logan makes an appearance if you love him as much as I do) and the whole book just felt like returning home to a town you know so well, walking along the streets and bumping into familiar faces. But I think the most important thing about this book was the message, as Tijan’s books usually are, finding a happily ever after isn’t all about finding the guy, it’s about finding yourself and your happiness too.

A Wonderful Lie – Carrie Aarons

A co-workers, enemies to lovers story, Lark and Colin are both flawed, both terrified of commitment for different reasons, but that made them more relatable and more likable. The reasons they were scared of relationships were common, the fear of actually letting someone in because it could mean you are hurt badly if they leave, or the worry that your life might change before realising that if it’s for the right person you won’t mind. My favourite holiday read of 2022.

Lessons In Chemistry – Bonnie Garmus

Elizebeth Zott is a chemist, or she’s trying to be. But in 1960s, it’s much more accepted to be a housewife, something she is trying hre hardest not to be. Lessons in Chemistry tells the story of Elizebeth and the hurdles she has to jump, and the glass ceilings she has to break to achieve her dream, and the people she meets along the way. A bit of a different read to my normal books, and I listened to it on Audio, but I was hooked from very early on in the book. As a chemist myself, I related hard to Elizabeth Zott and her trials and tribulations of working in a male dominated industry, although I think she had it harder being set in the 60s. I adored the plot, the characters, the little quirks that Bonnie brought to life in the story. Would highly recommend!

Now’s The Time – Harlow James

The story had everything I’ve come to expect from Harlow, the funny cute romantic side, the steamy, sexy, and hot scenes, but also the deeper and more meaningful conversations that actually help form a real relationship. It’s easy to get caught up in the steam and romance, but without those hard conversations about facing your pasts traumas and overcoming them, you will never fully heal.

The Cheat Sheet – Sarah Adams

A friends to lovers, sports romance, The Cheat Sheet was swoony and sweet, but not steamy, which was a change for me as I am not usually a fan of fade to black, but Sarah did it so well. Nate and Bree worked because they were such good friends, they had that foundation to build on, and once they got over the fear of putting cracks in it, they saw how well they would work too. However, despite being best friends, the change in their relationship helped them face deeper things, such as their feelings relating to their pasts, but they overcame them together. They were so cute and flirty, it had humour and romance, making it such a good addictive read, I was rooting for them all the way through.

My Unexpected Surprise – Piper Rayne

An Unexpected Surprise is a unepected pregnancy romance, set in a small Alaskan town, and written by one of my go to authors; Allie and Fisher fought their feelings from the very beginning, where they limited their relationship to a fling, and then distanced themselves because they knew it wouldn’t take much for them to crack and want more. Neither made much of an effort after their initial relationship, but once Fisher found out Allie was pregnant, he was all in, but he had to convince her he was, she didn’t make it easy for him. But as they slowly let their guards down, and the reasons for those guard were revealed, they saw that really, they were meant to be, and they needed to stop fighting those feelings.

The Godparent Trap – Rachel Van Dyken

One of my favourite romcom movies as a teen was Life As We Know It, with Katherine Heigl and Josh Duhamel, because it had everything you needed in a film, funny moments, sad moments, romantic moments and chemistry. The Godparent Trap had a very similar base plot but had some fresh ideas and scenes that made me laugh, cry, and want to shake both Colby and Rip into seeing how perfect they were for each other.

The Dealmaker – Jessica Peterson

This is the wonderful new, fast-paced world that Jessica Peterson has created, and let me tell you, it’s one I didn’t want to leave! Set in the world of stocks and trading, this enemies to lovers romance between two traders grips you from the start and keeps you hooked all the way to the end. With an incredibly strong career driven heroine called Nora and her co-worker and competition Theo, you are thrown into the sexy and fast paced world, and one you didn’t want to leave!

Last Round – Charity Ferrell

A friends to lovers romance, told over the whole friendship through flashbacks and the present, Lola and Silas were my favourite couple due to their very deep bond. They bounced off each other so well, the banter was the best, and I am so glad the book started at the beginning of their friendship, where they had clearly both been hurt in the past and were hesitant to start anything romantic. Both wanted and needed a true friendship when they first met, but once they got to know each other, their feelings changed.

Beneath the Wreckage – Catherine Cowles

Catherine Cowles is an incredible writer, but this final book in the series could be my favourite of hers yet. Still set on Anchor Island, it is the story of Piper, a woman who has just moved to the island and bought the lodge and resort she used to visit in the summers as a child, and the place her best friend went missing at 14, and Hunter, Anchor Island resident who has a bit of a chip on his shoulder after watching everyone around him fall in love. There was steam, suspense, and heart wrenching moments, and I loved every page!

Sweet Devil – Becker Gray

Becker Gray has done an astounding job for this high school romance series, creating conflict and drama that keeps you hooked, but also real relationships that are based on real life issues that unfortunately some teenagers face. It’s the fifth book in the series, the one everyone was waiting for, and yes, it’s set in the high society prep school, with rich aristocratic teenagers who have never had to face a consequence in their life, but you are reeled into their world and instantly want to be a part of their group. This group of characters have their secrets, and all have their own things to deal with, but as couples and as friends, they could face anything together.

The Damaged – Tijan

As you know, this is Tijan stan account so of course I have two of her books on my top 12! The Damaged is the second book in the The Insiders series, and is full of drama, action and steam, picking up right where book one left. It’s the story of Bailey and Kashton, and how the world around them is full of secrets, ones they may even be keeping for each other. It’s a world of technology, geniuses and hacking, and kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time! Loved it!

After all of these books, I can’t wait to see what 2023 has in store for the book world and see the amazing new books will be released. I am so ready to dive into new and old worlds created by some amazing authors!

Thank you so much for your support with reading my blog posts this year, you have no idea how much it means to me! Wishing you all a happy new year!

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